Using tfmigrate to Codify and Automate Terraform State Operations

An overview illustrating how tfmigrate can be used to codify and automate complex Terraform state operations. The corresponding reference example code can be viewed at


The terraform CLI exposes a suite of state commands for advanced state management. However, these commands often require that engineers employ error-prone, manual, and ad hoc invocations of the terraform CLI out-of-band of CI/CD and code review.

How can we automate the migration of a Terraform-managed resource from one root module project configuration to a different root module project configuration, each using different S3 remote states?

And what if each root module project uses a different version of Terraform?

How can the solution utilize a GitOps workflow in which state migration operations are codified, and subject to code review, continuous integration quality checks, and continuous delivery automation, similar to other Terraform operations, or even database migrations?


Use tfmigrate in concert with tfenv.


mdb/tfmigrate-demo offers a demo, and utilizes Github Actions as the underlying CI/CD platform.


Within mdb/tfmigrate-demo

  • bootstrap is a minimal Terraform project that creates a localstack tfmigrate-demo S3 bucket for use hosting project-one and project-two’s Terraform remote states
  • project-one is a minimal Terraform 0.13.7 project that creates foo.txt and bar.txt files and uses s3://tfmigrate-demo/project-one/terraform.tfstate as its remote state backend.
  • project-two is a minimal Terraform 1.4.6 project that creates a baz.txt file and uses s3://tfmigrate-demo/project-two/terraform.tfstate as its remote state backend.
  • project-one and project-two each feature a .terraform-version file. This ensures tfenv selects the proper Terraform for use in each project.
  • migration.hcl is a tfmigrate migration that orchestrates the migration of from management in project-one to management in project-two. tfmigrate enables teams to codify migrations as HCL, subjecting the migrations to code review and CI/CD, alongside terraform HCL configurations.
  • .tfmigrate.hcl is a tfmigrate configuration file specifying that tfmigrate’s migration history be persisted to s3://tfmigrate-demo/tfmigrate/history.json.

See PR 2 for an example GitHub Actions workflow that fails its tfmigrate plan step. See PR 3 for an example GitHub Actions workflow that successfully performs a tfmigrate apply.

See .github/workflows/pr.yaml for the GitHub Actions workflow configuration.

Self-guided tutorial

In alternative to the GitHub Actions-based demo, the following steps offer a self-guided tutorial. These steps assumes Docker is running, and that tfmigrate and tfenv are both installed.

  1. Clone tfmigrate-demo:

    git clone \
      && cd tfmigrate-demo
  2. Install the Terraform versions used by project-one and project-two via tfenv:

    TFENV_ARCH=amd64 tfenv install v$(cat project-one/.terraform-version) \
      && tfenv install v$(cat project-two/.terraform-version)
  3. Start a localstack-based mock AWS environment:

    docker-compose up \
      --detach \
  4. Create a local localstack tfmigrate-demo AWS S3 bucket for homing project-one’s and project-two’s S3 remote state:

    cd bootstrap \
      && terraform init \
      && terraform plan \
      && terraform apply \
  5. Create an initial project-one Terraform configuration. This creates local foo.txt ( and bar.txt ( files:

    cd project-one \
      && terraform init \
      && terraform plan \
      && terraform apply \
  6. Create an initial project-two Terraform configuration. This creates a local baz.txt (local_file.baz) file:

    cd project-two \
      && terraform init \
      && terraform plan \
      && terraform apply \
  7. Run use tfmigrate to list any outstanding migrations:

    tfmigrate list --status=unapplied
    2023/08/15 19:30:44 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "StaticProvider"

    Based on tfmigrate list’s output, the migration.hcl file contains an unapplied migration that seeks to move from project-one to project-two:

    migration "multi_state" "mv_local_file_bar" {
      from_dir = "project-one"
      to_dir   = "project-two"
      actions = [
  8. Next, use tfmigrate to plan the migration of from project-one’s Terraform state to project-two’s Terraform state using the migration instructions codified in migration.hcl, which move from project-one to project-two.

    Note that tfmigrate plan will “dry run” the migration using a local, dummy copy of each project’s remote state and will performs a terraform plan, erroring if the migration results in any unexpected plan changes.

    Also note that tfmigrate automatically uses the correct terraform CLI version required by each project, as each project’s .terraform-version file triggers tfenv to ensure the correct version is used.

    Initially, observe that tfmigrate plan migration.hcl fails, as’s HCL recource declaration has not moved from project-one to project-two; it still lives in project-one/

    tfmigrate plan
    2023/08/15 19:40:23 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "StaticProvider"
    2023/08/15 19:40:23 [INFO] [runner] unapplied migration files: [migration.hcl]
    2023/08/15 19:40:23 [INFO] [runner] load migration file: migration.hcl
    2023/08/15 19:40:23 [INFO] [migrator] multi start state migrator plan
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] terraform version: 0.13.7
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [executor@project-one] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] creating local workspace folder in: project-one/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:40:24 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:40:25 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] terraform version: 1.4.6
    2023/08/15 19:40:25 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:40:26 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:40:26 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:40:26 [INFO] [executor@project-two] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:40:26 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] creating local workspace folder in: project-two/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:40:26 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:40:27 [INFO] [migrator] compute new states (project-one => project-two)
    2023/08/15 19:40:27 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] check diffs
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [ERROR] [migrator@project-one] unexpected diffs
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch back to remote
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:40:28 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch back to remote
    terraform plan command returns unexpected diffs in project-one from_dir: failed to run command (exited 2): terraform plan -state=/var/folders/46/sz1dzp417x7fk46kb3jv8cn00000gp/T/tmp3859825156 -out=/var/folders/46/sz1dzp417x7fk46kb3jv8cn00000gp/T/tfplan265876470 -input=false -no-color -
    Refreshing Terraform state in-memory prior to plan...
    The refreshed state will be used to calculate this plan, but will not be
    persisted to local or remote state storage. Refreshing state... [id=94dd9e08c129c785f7f256e82fbe0a30e6d1ae40]
    An execution plan has been generated and is shown below.
    Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      + create
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
      # will be created
      + resource "local_file" "bar" {
          + content              = "Hi"
          + content_base64sha256 = (known after apply)
          + content_base64sha512 = (known after apply)
          + content_md5          = (known after apply)
          + content_sha1         = (known after apply)
          + content_sha256       = (known after apply)
          + content_sha512       = (known after apply)
          + directory_permission = "0777"
          + file_permission      = "0777"
          + filename             = "./../bar.txt"
          + id                   = (known after apply)
    Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    This plan was saved to: /var/folders/46/sz1dzp417x7fk46kb3jv8cn00000gp/T/tfplan265876470
    To perform exactly these actions, run the following command to apply:
        terraform apply "/var/folders/46/sz1dzp417x7fk46kb3jv8cn00000gp/T/tfplan265876470"
  9. Next, remove the declaration from project-one/ and add it to project-two/, such that each project configuration reflects the desired migration end state:

    project-one/ should appear as:

    resource "local_file" "foo" {
     content  = "Hi"
     filename = "${path.module}/../foo.txt"

    project-two/ should now appear as:

    resource "local_file" "baz" {
      content  = "Hi"
      filename = "${path.module}/../baz.txt"
    resource "local_file" "bar" {
      content  = "Hi"
      filename = "${path.module}/../bar.txt"
  10. Re-run tfmigrate plan; now it’s successful:

    tfmigrate plan
    2023/08/15 19:41:16 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "StaticProvider"
    2023/08/15 19:41:16 [INFO] [runner] unapplied migration files: [migration.hcl]
    2023/08/15 19:41:16 [INFO] [runner] load migration file: migration.hcl
    2023/08/15 19:41:16 [INFO] [migrator] multi start state migrator plan
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] terraform version: 0.13.7
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [executor@project-one] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] creating local workspace folder in: project-one/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:41:17 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:41:18 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] terraform version: 1.4.6
    2023/08/15 19:41:18 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [executor@project-two] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] creating local workspace folder in: project-two/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:41:19 [INFO] [migrator] compute new states (project-one => project-two)
    2023/08/15 19:41:20 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] check diffs
    2023/08/15 19:41:21 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] check diffs
    2023/08/15 19:41:21 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:41:21 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:41:21 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch back to remote
    2023/08/15 19:41:22 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:41:22 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:41:22 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch back to remote
    2023/08/15 19:41:22 [INFO] [migrator] multi state migrator plan success!
  11. Finally, to perform the migration, apply the migration.hcl:

    2023/08/15 19:43:30 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "StaticProvider"
    2023/08/15 19:43:30 [INFO] [runner] unapplied migration files: [migration.hcl]
    2023/08/15 19:43:30 [INFO] [runner] load migration file: migration.hcl
    2023/08/15 19:43:30 [INFO] [migrator] start multi state migrator plan phase for apply
    2023/08/15 19:43:31 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] terraform version: 0.13.7
    2023/08/15 19:43:31 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:43:31 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [executor@project-one] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] creating local workspace folder in: project-one/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] terraform version: 1.4.6
    2023/08/15 19:43:32 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] initialize work dir
    2023/08/15 19:43:33 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] get the current remote state
    2023/08/15 19:43:33 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] override backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:43:33 [INFO] [executor@project-two] create an override file
    2023/08/15 19:43:33 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] creating local workspace folder in: project-two/terraform.tfstate.d/default
    2023/08/15 19:43:33 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch backend to local
    2023/08/15 19:43:34 [INFO] [migrator] compute new states (project-one => project-two)
    2023/08/15 19:43:34 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] check diffs
    2023/08/15 19:43:35 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] check diffs
    2023/08/15 19:43:35 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:43:35 [INFO] [executor@project-two] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:43:35 [INFO] [executor@project-two] switch back to remote
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the override file
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [executor@project-one] remove the workspace state folder
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [executor@project-one] switch back to remote
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [migrator] start multi state migrator apply phase
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [migrator@project-two] push the new state to remote
    2023/08/15 19:43:36 [INFO] [migrator@project-one] push the new state to remote
    2023/08/15 19:43:37 [INFO] [migrator] multi state migrator apply success!
    2023/08/15 19:43:37 [INFO] [runner] add a record to history: migration.hcl
    2023/08/15 19:43:37 [INFO] [runner] save history
    2023/08/15 19:43:37 [INFO] AWS Auth provider used: "StaticProvider"
    2023/08/15 19:43:37 [INFO] [runner] history saved
  12. To verify project-one and project-two have no outstanding post-migration Terraform plan diffs:

    cd project-one \
      && terraform init \
      && terraform plan \
      && terraform apply \
    No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
    cd project-two \
      && terraform init \
      && terraform plan \
      && terraform apply \
    No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.
  13. Check tfmigrate migration history

    .tfmigrate.hcl configures tfmigrate’s history, which records migration history and status as a JSON document.

    To view the history JSON:

        "version": 1,
        "records": {
            "migration.hcl": {
                "type": "multi_state",
                "name": "mv_local_file_bar",
                "applied_at": "2023-08-09T10:22:59.897417-04:00"

    tfmigrate list can also be used to view all migrations:

    tfmigrate list

    Alternatively, tfmigrate list --status=unapplied reports any outstanding, unapplied migrations:

    tfmigrate list --status=unapplied

A real world GitOps workflow

The steps described above are a bit contrived, in large part because tfmigrate-demo uses ephemeral local Terraform projects whose resources and state aren’t persistant.

A real world GitOps-esque team workflow against an existing project might look more like…

  1. Open a PR containing the desired tfmigrate migration HCL and desired Terraform configuration changes.
  2. CI detects the presence of a tfmigrate migration HCL and verifies the changes via tfmigrate plan.
  3. Following successful CI and code review approval, the PR is merged.
  4. CI/CD detects the presence of the new tfmigrate migration HCL and performs tfmigrate plan and tfmigrate apply to perform the migration, similar to what’s done via terraform plan and terraform apply for other Terraform changes.

While tfmigrate-demo largely focuses on inter-state move operations, tfmigrate supports other operations too, including state rm and state import.