Collecting Paginated HTTP API Response Data Using JavaScript's async/await

Collecting all pages of data from a paginated HTTP API can be a bit quirky in JavaScript, especially for those who are less familiar with asynchronous JavaScript’s nuances. The following offers a reference example using JavaScript’s async/await.


You need to fetch all pages of data from a paginated HTTP API in JavaScript; you’d like to do so using fetch, and you’d like to leverage async/await.

To establish a bit more context, imagine…

  • The API is hosted at
  • The API’s /results endpoint returns JSON array response body such as ["foo", "bar"].
  • The API’s /results endpoint accepts an optional page query parameter, the inclusion of which returns the specified page of results. For example, returns the second page of results.
  • The omission of a page query parameter from returns the first page of results.
  • Each HTTP response from the /results endpoint returns an x-next-page HTTP response header specifying the next page number. For example, x-next-page: 2 indicates that 2 is the next page of results.
  • The final page of results returned by the /results endpoint has no x-next-page response header, thereby indicating it’s the final page of results.


A recursive fetchResults function collects and concatenates all pages’ results by recursively calling itself, concatenating each page’s results to a results array:

const fetchResults = page => {
  const baseUrl = '';
  const url = page ? `${baseUrl}&page=${page}` : baseUrl;
  const response = await fetch(url);

  if (!response.ok) {
    throw new Error(
      `failed to fetch results; status ${response.status}: ${response.statusText}`,

  const results = await response.json();
  const nextPage = response.headers.get('x-next-page');

  if (nextPage) {
    return results.concat(await fetchResults(nextPage));

  return results;

Initially, fetchResults can be invoked with no specified page query parameter, thereby prompting it to collect all pages’ results, beginning with the first page, by calling itself recursively to fetch each subsequent page:

try {
  const allResults = await fetchResults();
} catch(err) {