Secure Session Cookie in Rails over HTTPS

The secure flag can be set by an application server when sending a cookie within an HTTP response. By setting the secure flag, an HTTP client — such as a web browser — prevents cookie transmission unless the response is securely encrypted over HTTPS.

However, many web applications redirect http:// to https://, and many Ruby on Rails applications are fronted by a web server such as Ngnix or Apache. Often, HTTPS is terminated at the Nginx/Apache layer. Given such an architecture, consider the following problematic behavior through which a Ruby on Rails session cookie could be transmitted insecurely in clear text:

  1. user types into browser address bar
  2. browser makes request to
  3. browser receives 301 response w/ specified as Location header; no session cookie is present/set
  4. browser makes request to
  5. browser receives response with session cookie present/set; the secure flag is absent from the cookie
  6. user types into browser address bar
  7. browser makes request to
  8. browser receives 301 response with specified as Location header; step #5 session cookie is present/set was transmitted in clear text because the secure flag was absent in step #5.

In Rails, calling Rails.application.config.session_store with secure: true in config/initializers/session_store.rb informs the Rails application to add the secure flag, but Rails will only do so if SSL is terminated at the application or if the Rails-fronting web server at which SSL is terminated – Nginx or Apache in the above example — adds an X-Forwarded-Proto header whose value is https.

For example, to do so in Apache, add the following to the Apache config file controlling your site:

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto "https"

And add the following to your Rails app’s config/initializers/session_store.rb:

Rails.application.config.session_store :cookie_store,
                                       :key => '_your_app_name_session',
                                       :secure => ENV['RAILS_ENV'] != 'development'

Note that this requires an application restart to take effect.