Posts tagged "github"
Using the gh-dash gh CLI Extension to Manage GitHub Notifications
How I use the gh-dash gh CLI extension to manage GitHub notifications.
Extending the gh CLI with Go
Some introductory tips on building gh CLI extensions in Go.
Querying GitHub Release Data With gh and jq
Fetch the latest patch release of each of the latest 5 minor versions of Grafana
Triggering GitHub Actions From Outside of GitHub
An introduction to using custom repository dispatch events to trigger GitHub Actions.
Committing Via the Concourse Git Resource
How to commit to a git repo from Concourse using the git resource.
Using the ConcourseCI pull request resource to verify Docker builds
How to verify a Docker image pull request in ConcourseCI.
How to Contribute to a Project on GitHub
A simple how-to outlining the Github fork, branch, and PR workflow.