Posts tagged "javascript"
Collecting Paginated HTTP API Response Data Using JavaScript's async/await
Collect all pages of data from a paginated HTTP API in JavaScript using async/await.
Mocking aws-sdk With Jest
How can the aws-sdk be mocked using jest?
How to Test Google Polymer elements on Travis CI
How to run a headless Firefox on Travis CI via Xvfb
Using Google Spreadsheets and Tabletop.js as a Web Application Back-end
How to use Tabletop.js as your JavaScript app's datastore.
Using the civic-info Node.js Module to Get Voter and Election Info
A quick tutorial in using a simple NPM module I built.
Deploying an Express App to Heroku
A beginner's tutorial in deploying a Node.js app to Heroku.
Testing Node.js with Mocha, Expect.js, and Nock
A technique for mocking HTTP requests in your Node.js tests.
Using Mocha to Test a Node.js Server
Using Node.js's fork to write tests against a server.
Fluent 2012 Notes: Nicholas Zakas on Maintainable JavaScript
My notes on Nichalas Zakas' Fluent 2012 talk.
How to Make Testable Private Methods in JavaScript
A controversial technique for writing unit tests against private methods.
JavaScript Design Patterns
My notes on Addy Osmani's JavaScript design patterns ebook.